Kategori: abstract (sammanfattning)
Happiness, what exactly is happiness? It is something particularly desirable and fascinating with happiness. There is a solid consensus on the topic, that happiness is something that people all over the globe strive for. A quest that easily can be diffuse and hard to achieve. Is happiness a coincidence or a conscious choice? Project Happy is aiming at explaining and clarifying happiness in its whole and to find out if it is possible to achieve the level of happiness through conscious acts.
Method, result and conclusionThe sources that this project is based on is from non-fiction books, articles on the internet, and documentaries. All of the sources have been critically analyzed and confirmed. They are all based on the result of scientists and experts that has dedicated their work to find out more about happiness from a scientific perspective.
Even though these scientists have different approach to happiness, they have some fundamental conclusions in common. Happiness is not a place, it is a state of mind. It is scientifically proven that our happiness is 50 percent genetic, 10 percent is environmental and entire 40 percent we can influence ourselves through our attitudes and choices. As a human you have the ability to improve your happiness level by follow certain happiness strategies and focus on the things that bring long term happiness, such as relationships, personal development and the will to help others. By thinking positive we can improve the way we handle setbacks and tragedies in life. However, the result shows that from a happiness perspective it is better to aim for a meaningful life, rather than a happy life. Searching for, and finding meaning, brings happiness implicitly.
As a conclusion, this project has developed its own theory about happiness. We should not strive for happiness as such, but instead focus on the meaningful aspects of life. The theory is emphasizing the importance of every individual's choice to create their own meaning in their lives.